Confession, I hate any kind of ginger based cookie! The only reason I ever even tried this recipe was because I wanted to make a gingerbread house, and I fell in love with them, must have been the butter!! It's always the butter. The recipe comes from a cookbook I bought when my kids were little and I still had Christmas visions of granduer. Those visions were met by reality, but still I dust it off every November and plan to make most of the recipes in it. This is typically the only one that gets done.
Today I will only be making the dough, I just do not have time to decorate them in the anal retentive, painstaking manor I enjoy. Once I do though, I will certainly post pictures of the decorated cookies. For now though, here is a picture of my boys when they were little and cute making their Christmas Cookies...enjoy and happy baking!!
I refuse to accept that my little boy will ever grow up and be a man ... That picture is absolutely adorable!