mmmm....butter. This recipe boasts it is The WORLD's Best Butter Cookie. Okay, I won't argue, especially since I think it is the only butter cookie recipe I have tried. Honestly I just wanted a rolled cookie I hadn't made yet that would go well with Apricot Jam. This worked.
As usual, sadly, it is mostly about the appearance for me. The cookie has to look good. I think these look good. Oh yeah, and they taste really good too. Such a pretty cookie and so easy to do. Use any rolled dough you would like, roll out into any shape (being sure to pop something in the middle for the jam to show through), spread with any jam or jelly you would like and dust with powdered sugar. I love to do these at Valentine's Day with raspberry jam and a heart shaped cookie cutter.
This was not all I did today however, no indeed. Friday my son took some cookies to school for his Secret Santa gift. When he came home he told me how his whole class loved the cookies and raved about them. He then asked me if I could just whip up a plate of decorated cookies to take to the class. "Yeah right, I'll get right on that!" Did I mention I have a nasty cold/mild flu?? But eventually my vanity coupled with a stressfull week at work got the better of me. Yes, I spent the entire day making cookies, decorating cookies, scrubbing my hands alternated with laying on the couch until the dizziness subsided. At the end of the day,which I suppose is right now, these cookies made me very happy.
These were very tasty!