Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Grand Finale: Lemon Bars

As a child there are certain things we know to be true. We know our parents love us no matter what, we know our faces will not really stick that way, and that your Aunt makes the best Lemon Bars. My Aunt Jan makes the best Lemon Bars, I have known this my whole life. But a funny thing happened along the way. Other people have told me their aunt makes the best Lemon Bars, how can this be??? Turns out just about everyone has an aunt that makes the best Lemon Bars. And after not very much research I have concluded all of these recipes are just about the same. That is not to say all lemon bars are the same. Trust me I have made my share of not-so-good and down right nasty ones. That being said, I have also made some awesome ones too.
This time so. Some people like them light on the filling and heavy on the shortbread, my take is just the opposite. Who needs crust? Give me filling every day.Hopefully some day my nephews and neice will say "My Aunt Melissa makes the best Lemon Bars"

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